
July 11, 2011

Refresh Rate – Metroid II: The Return of Samus

Filed under: Archives — Tags: , , , , , , , — Nathan White @ 2:14 pm

Metroid 2 The Return of Samus
As a kid I never actually owned a Game Boy. I was one of the “turncoats” who went straight from the NES to the SEGA Genesis in Sonic the Hedgehog’s brilliant blue wake. That is not to say that I didn’t ever play any Game Boy games at the time. I had this good friend whose Game Boy was practically communal between him, myself, and his twin sister. We used to play Super Mario Land and Tetris almost constantly, draining a King’s ransom in batteries. I distinctly remember playing Metroid II shortly after it was released in Chris’s basement; making maps on foolscap, color coding different sections, the whole nine.

As a child I never did beat the original Metroid, nor did I complete its sequel, come to think of it. The Metroid games were something of mystery, an impossible enigma. There was an older kid in my neighborhood who had a code (his own personal password, you see) for the original NES game. He wouldn’t allow us into his parents basement until he had entered it, for fear of his password becoming common knowledge. We didn’t really care, though, because we just wanted to watch in awe while he decimated Motherbrain and gutted the white whale that was Metroid right in front of us.


December 18, 2010

Other N

Filed under: Editorial Rants — Tags: , , , , , , , — Jamie Love @ 2:31 pm

Metroid Other M
Heaping scorn on Other M this year may have become one of those instances where critical analysis is undermined by a perceived wave of venom sweeping away valid points into the faux deep sea known as “haters gotta hate.”

There’s a frequent knee-jerk reaction to that perception, which encourages going against the grain, digging for the deeper importance of a game simply to prove the bastards wrong. Some people do this because human beings are creatures capable of holding different and legitimate opinions, and others do this because standing against the crowd guarantees some level of attention. And rightly so, because if you can sing against the choir to find value where so many others have not, I’ll certainly give your words a read.


September 9, 2010

Your Metroid Art Break

Filed under: News Feed — Tags: , , , — Jamie Love @ 6:29 pm

I may not ever see eye-to-eye with Nintendo on Other M, but I do appreciate this quite awesome chalk art from PAX they twittered about today, which you can catch in before and after states.

I continue wishing I was even remotely talented in the art department.

September 7, 2010

Review – Metroid: Other M

Metroid: Other M
In 2004, the original NES release of Metroid joined several titles deemed classic enough to represent that period of gaming through revisits on the GameBoy Advanced, and yet that same year also saw a much more thorough revisit on the handheld with the release of Metroid: Zero Mission. Aside from several tweaks within the game, the release returned to the source of the series to establish cannon at ground zero, setting the tone and direction for all subsequent releases.

The most significant element of that release was the newly added Zero Mission, a mission that showed Samus Aran stripped of her armor and evading space pirates in the instantly iconic zero suit. It was the emergence of a more vulnerable, but still capable Samus, and a defining moment that opened the floodgates for a greater discussion of the role gender plays within the Metroid series, executed with clever subtlety.


August 19, 2010

Metroid’s Live-Action Pitch

Filed under: News Feed — Tags: , , , , — Jamie Love @ 8:08 pm

Metroid Other M
The live-action commercial for Metroid: Other M is without a doubt the darkest ad for a Nintendo published title I’ve ever seen – and as far as ads go this hits every note with precision.

I’m lacking a few words at the moment that aren’t me just blathering on here, it’s entirely possible that this ad is better than the game itself. What is certain is that waiting the last few days out to finally know how this all came together is agonizing.

Catch the video after the break.


July 28, 2010

Metroid’s Tomb of the Unnecessarily Named Soldier

Filed under: News Feed — Tags: , , — Jamie Love @ 9:01 am

Metroid: Other M
Nintendo possibly attempts to alleviate concern about spilling generic space marines all over our Metroid with yet another trailer, which takes pains to name every single one of them – whether I remember any of these names a week after finishing the game remains to be seen.

No offense to Lyle Smithsonian, but unless your name is Samus Aran, I really don’t care what happens to you so watch your own damn back.

Meet and greet the squad after the break – let me know if it brings back memories of the first 20 minutes from any number of sci-fi / action / horror hybrid films.


July 17, 2010

Your Translated Dose of Metroid Developer Talk

Filed under: News Feed — Tags: , , , , , — Jamie Love @ 3:36 pm

Metroid Other M
It’s a glorious Saturday when you discover that someone was good enough to tackle translating and subtitling Nintendo’s Japanese developer feature for Metroid: Other M – so be sure to drop by and thank them.

To be honest, the language barrier didn’t stop me from already watching the two videos several times over with limited comprehension – Metroid footage is universal, kinda like the language of love as far as I’m concerned.

That said, being able to follow along and hear about some of the challenges in developing the latest release in the franchise is not to be missed – so catch it after the break.


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