Nintendo possibly attempts to alleviate concern about spilling generic space marines all over our Metroid with yet another trailer, which takes pains to name every single one of them – whether I remember any of these names a week after finishing the game remains to be seen.
No offense to Lyle Smithsonian, but unless your name is Samus Aran, I really don’t care what happens to you so watch your own damn back.
Meet and greet the squad after the break – let me know if it brings back memories of the first 20 minutes from any number of sci-fi / action / horror hybrid films.
::sigh:: I’d rather have no story line whatsoever than to have other people in a Metroid game. When someone mentions Metroid… the first thing I think of is isolation. I don’t like this at all. :(
Comment by Ujn Hunter — July 28, 2010 @ 10:28 am
Well, it’s not as bad as the internet comments have made it seem. I have no problem with a little more story on my Metroid, as long as no more delays are made.
Comment by EdEN — July 28, 2010 @ 1:02 pm
It’s really going to depend how jolting it is to be stopped and told things rather than shown or allowed to discover them, or miss them entirely. What really burns my ass is that if they had to give me characters, it could have been any number of bounty hunters over these dudes, but we’ll see.
Comment by Jamie Love — July 28, 2010 @ 4:10 pm
As much as everyone is complaining about this, on the positive side the direction means that someone involved with the original series is trying to not only make a sequel but do things differently just because. Even though the result may not match everyone’s personal ideal of what a Metroid game should be, this at least keeps the series fresh while keeping the core mechanics a bit more similar to the originals than than the Metroid Prime series (not trying to hate on Prime, but I’d looking forward to something else).
Comment by Scott — July 29, 2010 @ 7:58 pm