I may not ever see eye-to-eye with Nintendo on Other M, but I do appreciate this quite awesome chalk art from PAX they twittered about today, which you can catch in before and after states.
I continue wishing I was even remotely talented in the art department.
Art = Practice! You should practice drawing some… I dunno… planes or something! ;)
Comment by Ujn Hunter — September 9, 2010 @ 7:18 pm
If you liked the photos, you’ve LOVE the time lapse video of the entire creation that Nintendo should be tweeting soon, or it will also be on my website at http://www.pepperink.com in a few days. Check it out.
I am glad that you can see the artistic merit in my work, thanks for the compliment! And Ujn Hunter is right, I’ve made nearly 50 of these things now, and at 25-30 hours a pop, that is a lot of practice. I used to teach cartooning and the first thing I always told the students is that you can draw better than you’ve ever imagined…. it isn’t in the hand, it is all in the mind.
Comment by Eric Maruscak — September 10, 2010 @ 2:18 pm
damn, thanks for stopping in with a link to your site Eric! Can’t wait to see a time lapse on Metroid. Also, curse you because now I’m digging through these incredible pieces instead of working!
Comment by Jamie Love — September 10, 2010 @ 3:37 pm
Great artwork. I have to get me a poster of that.
Comment by EdEN — September 10, 2010 @ 2:32 pm