
December 19, 2011

Review – Corpse Party

Filed under: Reviews — Tags: , , , , , , , — Colette Bennett @ 9:35 am

Review Corpse Party
A “biased” review of a videogame is a hot topic in today’s Internet societies, which always seems hilarious to me: any review of any thing, whether book, film, food, business or perhaps a device which allows one’s cat to fly, will naturally be colored by the thoughts, imaginations and opinions of the reviewer.

I’m telling you this, of course, because if there’s anything I love in the world, it’s horror stories and visual novels. Tell me that a game contains either of those two elements, and I’m absolutely, positively, 100 percent in for the ride. Tell me its got both, and you could complain about bias, because I’m obviously getting to review two of my favorite things, right?

All that aside, though, Corpse Party is tremendously good, and for reasons other than my hardcore love of its themes and approach.


February 21, 2011

Gamesugar’s Ys I & II Chronicles Contest!

Filed under: News Feed — Tags: , , , , , , — Jamie Love @ 7:14 pm

Ys Contest Ys I and II Chronicles
This is the week that Xseed Games wraps up their PSP Ys trilogy, with tomorrow’s release of Ys I & II Chronicles serving up a retro dose that includes a bonus soundtrack with the retail version, which Xseed has dubbed the “Hair Metal Pack.”

Xseed’s whole hair metal kick got me thinking that some of you out there are probably pretty “metal”, and as is the tradition around here, we’ve got a few codes for a digital copy of the game courtesy of Xseed – three codes to be precise – so here’s the deal…

Hit up the comment section of this post between now and 11:59pm est on Sunday February 27, 2011 – and tell or show us why you are, in fact, Metal.

Since that’s open to wide interpretation, we’ll spend the following Monday combing through the comments to find the most entertaining and ridiculous responses in order to crown three winners with a digital copy of the game.

Throw up the horns!

Also, good luck!

November 22, 2010

PSA – Ys: The Oath in Felghana Contest Winners

Filed under: News Feed — Tags: , , , , , , , — Jamie Love @ 12:04 pm

Ys: The Oath in Felghana
As always I’d like to thank everyone who took the time to enter our contest. If you didn’t all drop by we’d have to go find something else to do, and we’d really rather continue doing this instead.

This morning I entered everyone’s names into our new RandomTron 5000, which harnessed the power of science to give us our five winners.

Congratulations to Diego R., Eric, Radical Hair, Eden, and Skrams – codes have been dispatched to your in-boxes.

The RandomTron has spoken.

July 14, 2010

Your Recommended Dose of Ys Seven

Filed under: News Feed — Tags: , , , , — Jamie Love @ 1:44 pm

Ys Seven
The above screen may cause you to think that “Michael Wootton” is a curious choice of name for a random RPG character, but it in fact belongs to one of the winners of XSEED’s contest that offered fans a chance to attach their name to the upcoming release of Ys Seven – also known as the first shot in a landslide of Falcom goodness for your PSP.

Ys Seven, along with one very sweet collector’s edition, is set to release summer 2010 – which caused me to mention that it was summer 2010, which in turn caused someone to remind me that the summer doesn’t end until the first of September. If that sounds unhelpful, Amazon says August 17.

In the meantime XSEED sent that screen along with a bit of art, which you can catch after the break.


May 28, 2010

Ivy the Kiwi Mini

Filed under: News Feed — Tags: , , , — Jamie Love @ 6:54 pm

Ivy the Kiwi Mini
I was thumbing through the June issue of Nintendo Power today, specifically for an interview with Prope Studio founder Yuji Naka discussing his latest title, Ivy the Kiwi. The article includes a brief blurb for Ivy the Kiwi Mini, a lighter version of the game releasing for DSiWare and WiiWare after the retail release later this summer – which Amazon figures is August 24, 2010 at present.

Knowing that Japan received Ivy in both retail and digital form didn’t make that blurb surprising, but it did mention that DS owners should keep an eye out for a demo in late May. Since May is just about over, I asked our friendly neighborhood XSEED rep what the story was.

While there’s no exact date just yet, I can confirm that there will be demos for both the Wii and DS later this summer, and that the WiiWare demo will even offer a taste of multiplayer with the versus mode, but not co-op.

Now you know, and I hear knowledge is power.

April 6, 2010

Catching Up With Lunar: Silver Star Harmony

Filed under: Editorial Rants — Tags: , , , , , , , , — Jamie Love @ 12:55 pm

Lunar: Silver Star Harmony
Lunar sets the stage by opening with a bit of classic RPG drama, pitting archetypal heroes against a formidable evil – the game seemingly beginning where most others would end. The ensuing battle, which players cannot lose, offers a taste of the combat system and some understanding toward the world awaiting an expanded narrative.

And when the heroes have proved victorious, the player discovers that these events are being recounted for two children, Alex and Luna, living in a cozy home on a hill – two characters who quickly emerge as young adults, ready to have the player assume responsibility for them as they set off on their own adventures, greatly inspired by the heroic tales they grew up listening to.

The sequence represents a clever approach to establishing the world of Lunar, putting some ground beneath the player’s feet about where they are starting out from, as well as foreshadowing the challenges that wait ahead. It’s a beautiful way to open a game, offering some instant justification as to why the title has seen so many revisits over the years, revisits that cause the world nostalgia to easily attach itself to this PSP remake.

And while that word fits for anyone familiar with earlier versions, nostalgic leanings don’t keep Silver Star Harmony from proving as competitive and compelling as any other on-the-go RPG in recent memory.


March 30, 2010

Farewell My Love, and Tomorrow We Shall Meet Again

Fragile Dreams
When Muramasa released last year, I understood why some criticized the game for not offering more to collect, find, and simply “do” while running through the crafted backdrops Vanillaware paints with a level of detail and skill worthy of history’s artistic masters. I didn’t agree with any of those people, but I grasped the complaints of those that weren’t drawn into the real depth of that living-breathing world just beneath the digital brush strokes of painted splendor those same people saw as the game’s central draw.

When it comes to Fragile, I can already hear a similar chorus not so thoroughly impressed with the way the furnishings of the apocalypse are offered on the Wii. Part of me enjoys a ruined world full of junk to collect and strange personalities to catalog – the world of Fallout does make for good stories from the road.

And yet, Fragile is carving a path that allows me to justifiably use the word unique for once, exploring a neglected aspect attached to the end of civilization – the immense and chilling isolation that leaves stray animals to inherit the earth.


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