I was thumbing through the June issue of Nintendo Power today, specifically for an interview with Prope Studio founder Yuji Naka discussing his latest title, Ivy the Kiwi. The article includes a brief blurb for Ivy the Kiwi Mini, a lighter version of the game releasing for DSiWare and WiiWare after the retail release later this summer – which Amazon figures is August 24, 2010 at present.
Knowing that Japan received Ivy in both retail and digital form didn’t make that blurb surprising, but it did mention that DS owners should keep an eye out for a demo in late May. Since May is just about over, I asked our friendly neighborhood XSEED rep what the story was.
While there’s no exact date just yet, I can confirm that there will be demos for both the Wii and DS later this summer, and that the WiiWare demo will even offer a taste of multiplayer with the versus mode, but not co-op.
Now you know, and I hear knowledge is power.
Any details on the prices for retail/Wiiware/DSiware?
Comment by EdEN — May 28, 2010 @ 10:45 pm
Not yet, I think the vortex that is E3 is sucking up information on just about everything right now.
Comment by Jamie Love — May 29, 2010 @ 8:50 am
Well, at least we have to wait two and a half weeks for the gates to open…
You should post the news by company here in the site since having a separate post for every game would be about 10 pages of news.
Comment by EdEN — May 29, 2010 @ 4:21 pm
That’s a good idea, we could also have a temporary E3 section – course once you filter the informative things from the hype and pr speak 10 pages becomes 1 ;)
Comment by Jamie Love — May 29, 2010 @ 4:55 pm
Hahaha. Well, Sin and Punishment 2, the new Metroid, Zelda Wii and the 3DS could take up a page or two here and there.
As for staying in topic for Ivy, hopefully the retail Wii version is sold at least for $29.99. They COULD go as low as $19.99 for both the Wii and DS versions and offer the Wiiware one for $10 and the DSiware one for $8. Well, that’s what my wallet is saying.
Comment by EdEN — May 29, 2010 @ 8:37 pm