
November 20, 2012

Mushroom Hunting – Wii U SugarCast

Filed under: Features — Tags: , , , , , , , — Jamie Love @ 9:09 pm

Wii U Mushroom Hunting
Hey Sugarfiends!

In my continuing attempt to digest the weekend launch of Nintendo’s Wii U, I’ve once again patched together a rough audio session with returning champion Shaun Hatton. We’re fumbling through Nintendo’s new online landscape, the Wii U gamepad, and which launch titles are stealing our attention this week.

So give it a listen below and hit us up in the comments with any questions you have that we didn’t manage to cover.


June 2, 2012

Gamesugar’s Pre-E3 2012 DonutCast

Filed under: Features — Tags: , — Jamie Love @ 11:13 am

E3 2012 Podcast Donutcast
With the suitcases packed and tickets in hand, Team Sugar is heading off to Los Angeles this afternoon for a week of caffeine, insomnia, and videogames. But before I sign off, long-time Sugarfriend Shaun Hatton dropped by to talk shop about what we’re looking forward to during the show, also donuts.

Offerings from Konami, Sega, and Square-Enix are definitely topping our list along with Nintendo’s new console – though rest assured our ability to trail off in all directions is as strong as ever.

We can’t help it, we love those videogames.

So grab yourself a cup of coffee and a box of donuts and give us a listen!


January 29, 2012

Mutant Blobs Attack Your Ears

Mutant Blobs Attack Shaun Hatton
Following up on last year’s retro science-fiction platformer, Tales from Space: About a Blob, Toronto’s DrinkBox Studios is unleashing another dose of blob mayhem and carnage this year, this time on Sony’s new handheld with the upcoming Vita release of Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack!!!

In addition to the in-game soundtrack created by musician Peter Chapman, it was recently revealed that game journalist, musician, and long-time Sugarfriend, Shaun Hatton, will be lending his audio talents to the game by contributing a song for the ending-credit sequence of the game. This weekend I had a chance to catch up with Shaun to talk briefly about that project as well as his work for the upcoming Indie game, They Bleed Pixels – which I’ve since distilled into convenient MP3 format for your listening pleasure.

Catch a rare audio sugar fix below, along with Shaun’s track for Mutant Blobs Attack!!!


July 2, 2010

Listening to Grasshoppers

Filed under: News Feed — Tags: , , , — Jamie Love @ 6:30 pm

Grasshopper Manufacture
Did you know that Grasshopper Manufacture stepped into the world of podcasting today? I sure didn’t, but I’m on the boat now and listening to their first episode while writing today – I thought I could take enough of a break to mention that it’s available via their Facebook page however.

Massimo Guarini is the big guest on their first outing, and while he can’t discuss the amazingly cool game he’s working on, it doesn’t take him long to drop praise for God Hand before breaking into the irresistible realm of games as arts, so you know you want to listen.

They are also looking for a name for the podcast, so swing by and help them out – and maybe try to work sugar into your suggestion.

March 21, 2010

SugarRush – Episode 1

Filed under: SugarRush — Tags: , , , , , — Jamie Love @ 12:30 pm

Hey Kids! It’s the very first episode of Sugar Rush – the Gamesugar Podcast – so start jumping and screaming right now!

Also consider pressing play, because we’d appreciate it.

For our first swing at the mic I’m joined by co-host Michael Tucker, who knows much more about Pokémon than I do, despite my time with HeartGold this week, and Poké-expert Kyattsuai drops by to school us in the Pokéarts and make us question whether you really can catch them all.

But wait, there’s more! Somehow we convinced 4cr’s Gregory Gay that he was doing their podcast while talking Perfect Dark and proving that no matter what we discuss, we’ll always turn it into more debate about Other M – though we also take time out to talk about Valve as often as possible too, assuming Tucker doesn’t pass out from flu meds.

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