
December 13, 2010

PSA – lilt line + Other Stuff

lilt line
Just a friendly reminder that Nintendo’s download offerings this week seem pleasantly worth a look.

Different Cloth’s lilt line makes the leap from iPhone to WiiWare, and if rhythm racing with a dubstep soundtrack sounds a bit peculiar, curious gamers should find a demo waiting for them, as well as a trailer here after the break.

Other exciting download developments include the arrival of SNES shooter Darius Twin on the virtual console – because you can never shoot enough robotic aquatic invaders from space – and Little Red Riding Hood’s Zombie BBQ hits DSiWare today as well.


November 29, 2010

Your Recommended Dose of Cave Story

Filed under: News Feed — Tags: , , , , , , — Jamie Love @ 9:01 am

Cave Story
For those gamers eager to hang with the Mimiga on their DSi, Cave Story hits DSiWare today and will set you back 1,000 Pts for the mobility.

For those that have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about, Cave Story is also available in WiiWare demo form today, so if you’ve been living in mystery, there’s absolutely no reason not to get learned on the subject.

June 8, 2010

Review – Flametail

Filed under: Reviews — Tags: , , , , — Jamie Love @ 2:04 pm

The mini-games of No More Heroes 2 have already taught me that managing waste disposal in space is an ordeal of cosmic proportions. And while the DSiWare release of Flametail finds plenty of ways to back up that notion, it also finds space between the planets to create a puzzle game that mixes simple and patient controls with devious designs, lightly crossing two genres to offer up a title worthy of some overdue DSi reviews.


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