
December 21, 2010

Demo Report – Dead Space 2

Filed under: Editorial Rants — Tags: , , , , , , , , , — Brad Johnson @ 7:01 pm

Dead Space 2
The demo for Dead Space 2 hits XBL and PSN today, and with it comes the opportunity to step back into the shoes of mentally imbalanced and hyper-lethal space engineer Isaac Clarke.

The demo opens with a few minutes of video covering the events of Dead Space: Extraction and Dead Space (Don’t play it if you haven’t finished Dead Space, it spoils the ending!) before dropping you onto the Sprawl, a massive space station. If you’re familiar with Dead Space, what follows is very much familiar: you’ll slink through the corridors warily, and sooner or later some monsters will explode from the walls to attack you. The dismemberment mechanic from the original is, of course, still present; careful aim can mean the difference between felling an enemy with two shots or six. Never fear, though: the demo isn’t all routine.


December 8, 2010

Dead Space 2 Demo Coming

Dead Space 2 Demo
EA sent word that we’ll be able to get a taste of Isaac Clarke’s trip through The Sprawl before the release on January 25, 2011, with a demo of Dead Space 2 hitting Xbox Live worldwide and the PlayStation Network in North America on December 21, 2010 – European PS3 owners have to wait one more day for a December 22nd release.

Additional word is that said demo offers a walk through the Church of Unitology, so maybe remember to say your prayers before playing, anything with religion involved is apt to be frightening.

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