
December 4, 2010

Hey Kids, It’s Gamesugar’s First Birthday!

Filed under: News Feed — Tags: , , , , — Jamie Love @ 9:26 am

Gamesugars First Birthday!
Hey Sugarfiends, can you believe it’s been a year since we set off on this expedition into the gaming wasteland together?

Yes, one year ago today, with little more than a copy of Clash of Heroes and the strange compulsion to keep spewing words about these videogames, Gamesugar was born, and hastily cobbled together, mostly out of construction paper, macaroni and glitter.

While producing a year’s worth of content owes something to my being a stubborn ox, it owes much more to those people that jumped aboard to help, either by directly contributing to articles, tackling background work, offering moral support during my many mental breakdowns, attending events near and far, and genuinely being awesome.

To all of those people: Thank-you, I’ll save you the biggest piece of cake today.

November 16, 2010

Birthday Wishes – Miyamoto Edition

Filed under: News Feed — Tags: , , — Jamie Love @ 3:44 pm

Nintendo’s weapon of choice turns 58 today, and considering how many games he’s given us over the years it didn’t seem right to let the day slip away without shouting out a Happy Birthday to Shigeru Miyamoto.

June 23, 2010

Sonic’s 19th Anniversary

Filed under: News Feed — Tags: , , , , — Jamie Love @ 12:54 pm

Sonic the Hedgehog
In the pursuit of finding more reasons to eat cake around here, it seems worth mentioning that Sonic the Hedgehog’s birthday is here, the original game releasing June 23, 1991. Incidentally I believe the Japanese release was June 26, which is worth mentioning even more because it means overseas Sonic has the same birthday as yours truly.

In honor of the occasion, and probably because there’s plenty of Sonic coming our way this year, Sega has a contest on the go for fans, which gives two very lucky winners a chance to head to Tokyo to visit Sega Japan and the Sonic development team.

For the next two weeks Sega is putting the call out for fan videos filled with Sonic love – though you should probably pay the official site a visit so you don’t misinterpret how I phrased that and film something regrettable.

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