Footage from EA’s press conference is presently being dispersed throughout the internets, and one of the items to filter out is the impending Dead Space 2. What’s obvious is that Visceral would actually like you to use some of your weapons this time around; whereas in the original game your plasma cutter was the only weapon you ever needed—and often the most efficient, too boot—this footage emphasizes the efficacy of some of your other options. The largely combat-ineffective kinesis module from the first game has been revamped; we can see the player sever a bladed enemy limb with the plasma cutter, snatch it up with kinesis and launch it back for an instant kill, quickly and efficiently.
The demo begins with Isaac in a decorative church, a far cry from the strictly function halls and chambers of the Ishimura, and goes on to feature a fantastic view of the Sprawl, the massive space-based city in which the game takes place. If you had your fill of cramped corridors in the original, Dead Space 2 looks to offer superior variety with the same exceptional design. See for yourself after the break.
I love Electric Boogaloo! (Or at least my 7? year old self did!) Dead Space 2 (I only caught the ending of the clip during the EA shindig) looked like the only thing that caught my eye. I was disappointed there was no Grasshopper love. Suda was tweeting photos from the event but not on stage showing awesomeness…
Comment by Ujn Hunter — June 14, 2010 @ 7:40 pm
I saw he was too and was so geared for it, what the hell up with that?!?
Comment by Jamie Love — June 14, 2010 @ 7:42 pm
Well, Microsoft has never had a good eye for talent so what could one expect? Love Suda51’s games and here’s hoping new ones are announced either at the Nintendo or Sony conference.
Comment by EdEN — June 14, 2010 @ 8:19 pm