
November 20, 2014

Review – Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 2nd

Filed under: Reviews — Tags: , , , , , , , , — Jamie Love @ 10:05 pm

Hatsune Miku Project DIVA F 2nd
After finally debuting in North America last year, Japan’s famous virtual pop star once again struts onto the PlayStation 3 and Vita. And while Hatsune Miku brings friends and tweaks to the familiar rhythm game formula, the Vocaloid personality also brings enough customization and music to have even casual rhythm game junkies waving a glow stick before long.

Beneath the candy coated exterior, there’s significantly more groove for the offering in Project Diva than the rhythm genre is typically known for.


February 12, 2012

Review – Rhythm Heaven Fever

Filed under: Reviews — Tags: , , , , , , , — Jamie Love @ 9:19 am

Review Rhythm Heaven Fever
Videogame releases comprised entirely of mini-games leave me struggling come review time, puzzling over some means to measure and weigh how the individual offerings form together into a cohesive experience. The situation might be easier if today’s game was 101-disposable-games-in-a-box – insofar as I could probably get away with giving the quick thumbs up or down to each tiny game and be done with it.

But as with the WarioWare series, Rhythm Heaven is less about bargain quantity and much more about offering dozens of brilliant ideas for tiny games – a landslide of joyful tactile discoveries that find harmony in the audio and visual to leave an impression best captured by a snapshot of the player’s lips curling into a smile the longer they play. My best attempts to describe the experience to others recently tended to descend into off-key singing and wild hand gestures while hurriedly listing off the games that stood out most.

The best review is probably that there are so many offerings from Rhythm Heaven Fever that I feel obliged to mention. If you’re willing to read on however, I’ll try to offer some more constructive words on the subject.


November 18, 2010

Kyatt vs. The Music

Filed under: Features — Tags: , , , , , , , , , — TJ "Kyatt" Cordes @ 8:55 am

Rock Band 3
I’ve been anticipating Rock Band 3 for a while now, and figured that I’d chronicle my experiences with the game in comic form. I couldn’t imagine how they’d mess up something like Rock Band, but I was sure there would be some changes that I should give mention.


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