
October 14, 2010

Demo Report – Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II

The demo for The Force Unleashed II is in the wild, and I have distilled its thundering contents into a collection of words arranged into a string of paragraphs for easy assimilation. If you are already familiar with forces and the task of unleashing them, you may wonder: have they unbroken it?

The answer is a resounding maybe.


June 14, 2010

Trailer Park – Star Wars: The Old Republic

Filed under: News Feed — Tags: , , , , — Jamie Love @ 11:30 am

Star Wars: The Old Republic
Back at E3 2009, Bioware’s cinematic glimpse into The Old Republic stole plenty of attention, almost entirely by offering fans hope that the franchise could regain some cred after years of abuse. This year is no different, except that the latest cinematic take on the game might put expectations through the roof.

Catch over five minutes of what is undoubtedly the only Star Wars game you need to care about this week, after the break.

UPDATE – EA went and yanked the video, see, I’ve been telling you those guys are no fun for years and there’s more proof :/
UPDATE 2 – Video is Back


June 6, 2010

Resident Evil – The Maniac Mansion Incident

Resident Evil - The Maniac Mansion Incident
From the moment a pack of zombie dogs chase a pixelated S.T.A.R.S. team into Umbrella’s infamous mansion, it’s clear that the merger of two of my favorite game franchises is not only long overdue, but is in fact the greatest thing ever.

MajorNeese’s Youtube channel has been posting the four part series over the past few months, which I have somehow been completely ignorant of. “How have I not seen this?!” is all I have to offer at the moment, and judging from the view count of the videos I’d say I’m not alone, but this will not stand.

You can catch the four part series after the break, and/or pay the videos a visit at Youtube. Whichever you prefer just make sure you don’t miss the greatest mash-up of forever – the chocolate and peanut butter reign is over.


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