
October 21, 2010

Review – Kirby’s Epic Yarn

Filed under: Reviews — Tags: , , , , , , , , , — Jamie Love @ 6:43 pm

Kirbys Epic Yarn
As the puntastic title suggests, immense amounts of yarn were spooled and stitched together to form Kirby’s long awaited return to proper console platforming. And as far as visual / narrative gimmickry goes, you’d be hard pressed to find a better example of a game that brings back the tactile feel of a classic franchise whilst presenting an entirely new aesthetic to capture the eyes, mixing new and old ideas that preserve plenty of the old time Nintendo charm that keeps me coming back.

Kirby’s a critter of simple pleasures, and this latest adventure matches that philosophy by turning the WiiMote sideways to wax a bit nostalgic on straightforward NES styled controls. The simplicity of the game leaves me feeling far less words are required than usual, though I could certainly go on about Kirby’s cute abuse – his excited arm flailing animation for example is cuter than a basket full of baby bunnies.

All the same, the depth of the stitch work that creates the visuals deserves some words, as does the way in which the game weaves together a toybox of ideas that is simply a pleasure to play with.


June 18, 2010

E3 Impressions – Kirby’s Epic Yarn

Filed under: Editorial Rants — Tags: , , , — Aileen Viray @ 4:07 pm

Kirby's Epic Yarn
Finding Kirby’s Epic Yarn playable on the show floor after hearing the announcement of the title at Nintendo’s Press Conference was a complete joy. Even the length of the lines could not deter me from a demo playthrough, and so I adamantly waited in line for my turn.

As proof that you never know who you might be standing next to at E3, I asked the man next to me if he wanted to join me with the game only to discover that he was out of Nintendo’s top game composers, credited with having worked on quite a few memorable titles.


June 15, 2010

Kirby Turns Into Things, Awesome Things

Filed under: News Feed — Tags: , , , — Jamie Love @ 5:37 pm

Kirby's Epic Yarn
No matter what else happens today, Kirby’s Epic Yarn has really surprised and charmed me – entirely because I wasn’t expecting the game, but more over that I certainly wasn’t expecting to care quite so much if the little guy did come back for another adventure. As I said earlier, the amount of side-scrolling being seen in several games today makes me feel ten years old again, but it’s the entire virtual fabric world Kirby brings with him that drives that nostalgia home.

The minute game footage began to play, I was immediately remembering the first time I played Yoshi’s Island, and that’s something I never imagined I’d say, type, or emote in any way.

Of course Kirby can also turn into things, and you can catch some art for said transformations after the break – including the always important massive robotic tank.


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