
December 14, 2009

Capybara Art – Clash of Heroes Edition

Filed under: Archives — Tags: , , , — Jamie Love @ 9:35 am

Capybara Art
I really want the Refresh Rate to be a category worth the special place in your heart I insist you give it. Ideally it should be less about re-writing prspeak and more about being a Zen garden of all things noteworthy and composed of awesome-ite, which I assure you is a real element, so don’t go grabbing the periodic table hoping to prove me wrong.

Back to the point, this taste of concept art from Might & Magic Clash of Heroes that Capybara Games offered us should help set my lofty goal in motion.

If you’re wondering whether or not you should care about Clash of Heroes, you can catch my review of the game here. Otherwise you can catch the goods after the break.


Review – Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes

Filed under: Reviews — Tags: , , , , , , — Jamie Love @ 8:40 am

Clash of Heroes

Despite the low profile release, and a name only someone with a shirt reading Dungeon Master could love, Capybara’s DS entry into the strategy genre stuffs more game up my stocking than I’d anticipated this season.

Sitting alongside recognizable brands on the store shelf, you’d be forgiven for going a tad cross-eyed reading the title Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes. The game is filled with the knights, elves, talking trees and evil hell spawn the title brings to mind. And while I don’t intend to undermine the effort but probably will anyway, such elements are just window dressing for a game more focused on proving Capybara an undisputed leader in creating addictive gaming experiences.

It’s not like I’d accuse Capy of having a shtick or suggest that the game repeats an established formula. But there’s definitely an emerging sense of familiar sensations attached to their work, and fortunately for us this is a good thing.


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