Aileen caught up with XSEED Games this week to try out Ivy the Kiwi? on Wii, but also found out plenty more about the DS version as well as some info about the digital versions in the works for DSiWare and WiiWare and how they differ from the retail copies.
Thanks to the magic of audio, you can hear about it straight from XSEED Games at the show. You can also check out some video of the game after the break.

Thanks for that interview! Now I know that I’ll be getting the retail Wii version of the game.
Only thing I don’t know is if there’s a solid release date for the game and a price point. $30 on Wii, $12 on Wiiware, $20 on DS and $8 on DSiware would be the way to go.
Comment by EdEN — June 17, 2010 @ 12:38 pm
Nintendo’s latest E3 release list says August 24 for what it’s worth.
Comment by Jamie Love — June 17, 2010 @ 12:44 pm
Thanks Jamie. Still no price point? They COULD go with a limited edition Wii release of the game for $50 that includes a small Ivy figurine and a making of DVD. Now go, fly away and pitch this to XSeed on my behalf!
Comment by EdEN — June 17, 2010 @ 12:54 pm