
June 9, 2010

Your PS3 Can Do This, Tomorrow

Filed under: News Feed — Tags: , , , — Jamie Love @ 5:03 pm

3D PS3
Sony’s made it official over at the PlayStation Blog – the HD stereoscopic 3D PS3 revolution begins for North America tomorrow. They also want you to know that the console has always been equipped and ready for this event, which makes me feel that there may be an overdose of who did 3D first chest banging in our future.

Anyone lucky enough to own a PS3 and a 3D television (where do you get your money and can I borrow some?) can check out the following games and demos tomorrow – WipEout HD (full game) – Super Stardust HD (full game) – MotorStorm Pacific Rift (demo) – PAIN (Downtown area and tutorial along with three modes, including two new modes created specifically with stereoscopic 3D in mind, Alien Toss and Ice Breaker).

I’ve heard that Wipeout HD doesn’t include the Fury Pack DLC in 3D. I’ve also heard that if you already own the full games in this list that you can upgrade them for free, which is good, because you’re probably going to be paying off your home electronics bill for quite awhile.

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