Two of the top downloadable games I saw at E3 2010 are definitely Konami’s Hard Corps: Uprising and Square-Enix’s Space Invaders Infinity Gene. Child of Eden was stealing plenty of the limelight and my attention, but these games deserve some recognition.
Konami is releasing Hard Corps: Uprising on Xbox LIVE Arcade and PlayStation Network this fall, and judging by the E3 demo, it’s coming along really well. The art shift makes it easy to call it a refreshing take on a celebrated franchise, whose concept and gameplay controls are still adopted from early Contra games – of course new features such as online co-op mode and leaderboards tag along for the nostalgia trip.
I couldn’t help but notice “working title” on the E3 sign with Hard Corps. Does that mean that they’re considering putting “Contra” back in the title? I’m going to guess probably not.