
June 17, 2010

Under the Radar – FlingSmash

Filed under: News Feed — Tags: , , , — Jamie Love @ 9:24 am

I feel bad for not having already listed FlingSmash along with all the other side-scrolling joy Nintendo managed to haul out to the show this week. Plus the game has one of those great pitches, specifically that this is what you get when combining tennis and pinball.

On the list of small design tidbits you don’t hear very often, FlingSmash also sympathizes with left-handed players and the game can position play from the left side of the screen – which would mess me up, but I’m certain some southpaw reading this will appreciate the thought.

Keep in mind you’ll need to get yourself some Wii MotionPlus if you haven’t already, which after this week is getting a lot harder to avoid.

Catch some video and art after the break.


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