
September 16, 2010

PSA – Sin & Punishment: Star Successor Competition

Filed under: News Feed — Tags: , , , , — Jamie Love @ 7:21 pm

Sin & Punishment Star Successor
Readers in the United States might be interested to hear that Nintendo of America has partnered with Twin Galaxies International – those guys who keep lots of videogame records – to bring a scoring competition for one of my favorite releases of the year.

Although I’m on the wrong side of the border, some of you could do me proud by taking up the challenge of getting the highest score possible on the third level of Star Successor – using the WiiMote and Nunchuk. The competition starts today and ends on October 6, and apparently requires a video of you playing the game.

Hit Twin Galaxies up for more information on the rules and the Wii swag prize info – and remember that if you win I might salute and sing your praises for a very long time*

*Quality of singing may vary

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