
July 21, 2010

I <3 Hibaru Yaju

Filed under: Editorial Rants — Tags: , , , , — Jamie Love @ 8:18 am

Hibaru Yaju
I’ve been a little put out hearing some pick on Hibaru Yaju’s role in Star Successor, mostly because despite providing plenty of frustrations the sequence has become one of my favorites within the game. If sword fighting inside a reactor core with an anime samurai dream girl who offers you a date is wrong, well I don’t want to be right ever again.

Granted the sequence is strangely placed and timed and one-of-a-kind in the delivery, but isn’t that what makes Treasure so much fun to love?

It really is plenty parts Treasure eccentricity, almost like a pause in the action proper that changes the pacing entirely – I felt more than a bit like the student learning to slow down, relax, and wait for the chance to grab the stone from her hand, or in this case evade at just the right moment and strike. Defeating her tosses you straight into another boss encounter in a game that seems to possess such an incredibly strange and unique rhythm that I might never quite find the right words for what Treasure has done this time around.

If you haven’t played Star Successor yet, shame on you, but I guess you can still check out the fight after the break.


  1. What level is that? I haven’t gotten there yet… :\
    Also… Sin & Punishment 2 is awesome… it’s a game that should probably not have been made with everything it has going against it in this day and age of gaming. I am super glad it was made though! I think this is how games should be. :)

    P.S. I’m glad you’re still updating the site and not slacking due to other interests. :P

    Comment by Ujn Hunter — July 21, 2010 @ 9:57 am

  2. Right near the end of Stage 3.

    Also yes, there shall be no slacking, though I did have to take a few days to setup some stuff. Luckily the news over the last few days bored me to tears anyway!

    Comment by Jamie Love — July 21, 2010 @ 10:01 am

  3. I’ll get S&P 2 in a month or two once my schedule clears up and the cash starts to flow without going puff for no reason.

    Comment by EdEN — July 21, 2010 @ 12:35 pm

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