What a day yesterday, with Project Natal getting rebranded as Kinect – see it’s like it connects you even more to your 360, but also hits on Kinetics! Get it?!
Okay, so maybe I haven’t been blown away by the games so far, which may or may not work very well, but as one Editor reminded me this morning there’s still the Minority Report styled menu controls.
As much fun as I might have poking fun at this device before Microsoft’s Press Conference reiterates why everyone should run out and buy it this fall, I feel obligated to warn you about some very disturbing video I saw this morning – detailing what became of one unfortunate family with the device in question.
Video evidence after the break.
Do… not… want.
Comment by Ujn Hunter — June 14, 2010 @ 10:09 am
They’re trying to rip of the Wii and after all the years they’ve laughed about the “waggle” what is their excuse now with all the “spastic waggle” these normal “people” are engaging in?
Comment by EdEN — June 14, 2010 @ 12:36 pm