Word of Activision and Bungie dating made it awfully tempting to go back to bed today, skipping approximately 50,000 posts about nothing – with liberal sprinkles of complete bullshit, yum yum! There are already posts speculating about online being a major element of a game we don’t even have the working concept to yet – I shit you not.
But why should I let that ludicrous circus of predictability ruin my day? There’s a new dawn on the horizon, where waves of awesome titles wait to lead us to the promised land.
So let’s turn it all around by watching over eight minutes of video for one of those games, namely Sin & Punishment 2 – now with 100% more English!
Bonus Thought – If you ever see me impaled on something sharp make sure to ask if I’m okay.
there really should be most posts about Sin and Punishment versus whatever is happening with that merger.
hey how hard IS S&P on the treasure scale is it doable like Gunstar Super Heroes or ‘completely is only for the men with sack hair’ like Ikaruga?
Comment by Wolfkin — April 29, 2010 @ 2:57 pm
S&P is totally doable after a couple of quick sessions to get the controls figured out – awesome on the classic controller imo. Last level, where it goes all Gunstar Heroes, that one I still need to perfect.
Comment by Jamie Love — April 29, 2010 @ 7:27 pm
‘completely’ –> completion
Comment by Wolfkin — April 29, 2010 @ 2:57 pm
Co-op in S&P 2 is going to be craaaaazy…
Comment by EdEN — April 29, 2010 @ 3:03 pm
Haha! I totally forgot about that part… then again… I probably didn’t understand what the hell was going on… seeing it was not in English.
Comment by Ujn Hunter — April 29, 2010 @ 3:38 pm