
September 16, 2010

Monkey Paw’s Importing The Bullets

Filed under: News Feed — Tags: , , — Jamie Love @ 8:04 pm

Monkey Paw
Monkey Paw Games sent around word today about the PlayStation Network’s new Import Store, which opens for business on September 21. The new publisher is bringing two shooter titles to market that day, Cho Aniki and GaiaSeed – both in their original Japanese PS1 not-localized forms, and for $5.99 a piece.

In a decision they may or may not regret, Monkey Paw is also encouraging gamers to drop by their site to let them know about what other Japanese-only titles of the past should hop aboard this new import train.

I will say right away the the write-ups on Monkey Paw’s site, which currently includes Cho Aniki, GaiaSeed, and Ante Up: Texas Hold’em Poker (…?) are damn entertaining –

One of the greatest shooters that never made it to Western markets, GaiaSeed is a smooth and silky display of algorhythmic perfection that always challenges but never frustrates.

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