
November 16, 2010

This Happened – The Asskickers!

Filed under: News Feed — Tags: , , — Jamie Love @ 5:12 pm

The Asskickers!
On the list of game titles that grab for my attention, The Asskickers seems to work. As for the game itself, it very much digs at 2D beat’em up memories, but apparently offers the opportunity to beat the snot out of yuppie jerks rather than the traditional inner city punks of my gaming youth – citing the corrupted asses of white-collar villains as the more insidious poison of today.

The game is aiming for an early 2011 digital release on Mac and PC, and you can catch some video after the break – entirely worth watching for the soon to be classic line, “I’m going to kick your ass so hard that you will regret someone invented the chair.”

Sidenote – This kind of makes me want a videogame based on John Carpenter’s They Live, damn that was a great and still potentially factual movie.


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