Jump Festa time brings about a page for Square-Enix’s Final Fantasy IV Complete Collection. The PSP title that brings together Final Fantasy IV and the WiiWare Final Fantasy IV: The After Years came up earlier in the week, along with word of it including an additional scenario connecting the two games.
The game is dated for Spring 2011 in Japan, and until someone posts a trailer or some art, that’s all I’ve got aside from pointing you toward the page that sparked my fingers to posting in the first place.
I’ve got FF IV in a SNES cartridge, on a GBA cartridge, on a DS cartridge and own the Wiware After years… so I MIGHT skip this release, right?
Comment by EdEN — December 18, 2010 @ 1:49 am
haha, Square does love selling us Final Fantasy for sure. What I’m potentially interested in is the visuals, FFIV on the DS wasn’t quite what I was after and I want to see what the PSP has to in store.
Comment by Jamie Love — December 18, 2010 @ 1:55 am
Well, from what I understand this is a port of the SNES version of the game and thus graphics will look, as the screenshot shows, as a stylized take on that. No polygons or 3D!
Comment by EdEN — December 18, 2010 @ 10:11 pm