SNK Playmore is all nostalgic about the 20th anniversary of the NeoGeo, and the PlayStation Network has been designated the celebration spot as of December 21, 2010, when NeoGeo Station starts extending the NeoGeo library to the PlayStation Network, with titles releasing for the PS3 at $8.99 and the PSP at $6.99.
Players can expect classic NeoGeo with a touch of the modern in the way of network play over PSN and Ad-Hoc compatibility for PSP.
Ten games will be available for PS3 when Station launches on December 21, with only Fatal Fury and Metal Slug available for PSP that day, though SNK Playmore plans to offer PSP versions of the entire launch list along with more releases during 2011.
The full list for the 21st includes Fatal Fury, Alpha Mission II, The King of Fighters ’94, Samurai Shodown, Baseball Stars Professional, Magician Lord, Metal Slug, League Bowling, Super Sidekicks, and Art of Fighting.
Interesting. Took them a while considering that the Wii has had them for some time at the Virtual Console. The trophies for these games are going to be insane!
Comment by EdEN — December 7, 2010 @ 4:41 pm
The real reason Sony removed PS2 compatibility from the PS3. Seeing I can play every Metal Slug game (except for MS7 & MSXX which is just MS7 revised) from one disc on my PS3 which cost me less than $20 (you can probably find Metal Slug Anthology for $10 these days on PS2 and PSP) instead of paying $9 a pop per game. This goes for ALL of SNK games btw… on PS3 & Wii… it makes little sense to pay $9 per game when you can get a disc loaded with 5-10 games for $20 or less. Just a buyer beware heads up! There are better options.
Comment by Ujn Hunter — December 7, 2010 @ 4:45 pm
And you can do that as well on the Metal Slug Anthology Collection on Wii. And the SNK Arcade Classics Vol. 1 collection. I don’t buy Neo Geo games on VC and won’t be doing so on PSN but at least those that will now have the option.
Comment by EdEN — December 7, 2010 @ 6:11 pm
For sure. It’s good to have options. I just wanted to point out that there are better ones available. I’d be pretty ticked off if I spent $9 on Samurai Showdown only to find out later that I could have spent $9 more and had all 6 Samurai Showdown games on one disc.
Comment by Ujn Hunter — December 7, 2010 @ 6:19 pm