Sometimes I think about the long wait for Okamiden in North America, and I fret about all the accidents that could befall me during such a long expanse of time – it’s a dangerous world out there after all.
But in an attempt to ease my mind, I noticed that Okamiden screenshots practically beg to be comic panels with custom dialogue. I won’t suggest my first attempt is very creative, but you should totally give it a try, if only to eat up some of the wait.
In fact, I insist you give it a try, and send me the results!
Really liked the Comic Con demo (which I guess is the same one that was at E3) and got my Okamiden bracelet for it.
Also played Ghost Trick and while I liked the game unfourtunately I didn’t get the artbook since they ran out of those veeeery quicly.
Comment by EdEN — August 1, 2010 @ 7:41 pm